
Simon Cutts & Erica Van Horn


box 12.0 x 12.0 x 3.0cms, containing (now disintegrated) slice of Ambleside rock candy, with cut circle and date (17-19.9.1999) attached to the lid, and tied with yellow string as a japanese fastening wouund round the yellow circle.To celebrate the Schwitters Conference in Ambleside, September 1999. 100 copies. This is no.44

€35.00 E/O

A Colourful Little Boat

Ian Hamilton Finlay & Stuart Mills


4pp 15.0 x 9.0cms colour-copy in 2 colours, sewn into cover. Aggie Weston's Editions 1998


Gumigas Zimogs

Erica Van Horn


64pp 14.5 x 11.5cms letterpress in 3 colours with rubber stamp, wire bound. A World Guide to Rubber Stamps, the title being that of their name in Hungarian.

€25.00 AB


Simon Cutts


16pp 16.0 x 11.5cms letterpress and stapled . Text of poem made for glass bridge crossing Healey Burn in Riding Mill, Northumberland in July 199

€18.00 P

a line of thin pale red

Ian Hamilton Finlay


fc 14.0 x 9.5cms. for Simon Cutts. Riposte to his 'line of thin pale blue", being a 'translation of a line by Mallarmé', this being a 'translation of a line by Chénier', poet of the French Revolution.

€20.00 P/E


Andy Goldsworthy


16.0 x 12.5cms invitation card for exhibition at Camberwell Coracle, 3rd May - 7th June 1985, at the time of the production of the book 'Evidence', of a rubbing of the hole in the linoleum of the floor of the gallery, and its cavernous interior. Card image of a snowball made with the last remaining patch of snow, Yorkshire 1979. The snowball was kept in the large fridge in an old peoples home behind the gallery until it was time to leave it to melt in the gallery during the course of the exhibition

€25.00 E