Just to remind ourselves of one of the inventions of this Hibernation : to walk from the identified 39 Portes on the outskirts of Paris back into the very middle and our eyrie in the Marais. Sometimes this very purpose gets sublimated into another issue, some major observation made in the course of the walk. The Porte de Champerret walk was just such an occasion, which became Erica’s entry of Brian is in the Kitchen.It was number 22 of our walks, and we went with our seamstress friend Susan Brett from La Corderie round the corner. She was feeling tired of Paris, and we though what could be better for her than a saunter through the drizzly funneling streets of the north of the city. Although we slowed up last year. and have been hesitant to begin this year, we have them in our sights. There was an aside to the project of maybe editing out of all these entries, a walking book for the city – yet another!, maybe entitled Walking The Portes. But there are enough walking books around, in their generalised and touristic reduction, and these Notes have an integrity of their own, in their distractedness. Which is the point. SC
Source: Porte-Walk No.22